Sun E20K Server
Sun E20K | Sun Fire E20K Server
The Sun Fire E20K is a high-end server that offers the ultimate performance in computing power and scalability. The Sun E20K can house up to 36 1.35GHz UltraSPARC IV processors and up to 288GB of memory. With this much power, you can be sure that all of your mission-critical processing requirements will be met. To protect the value of past purchases, the Sun E20K is designed to allow the usage of both UltraSPARC III and UltraSPARC IV chipsets in the same machine, running simultaneously. Additionally, the E20k has hot-swapping capabilities that allow applications to continue running as components are being replaced or upgraded. Also, the E20K is hot upgradeable to the E25K server.
The Sun E20K is perfect for anyone who's looking for powerful performance and the ability to expand down the line if need be. The Sun E20K scales up to 36 processors – UltraSPARC IV+, UltraSPARC IV or UltraSPARC III – as well as 576 gigabytes of memory. What's more, the Sun E20K allows you to uses the three different processors at the same time.
If you're ready to learn more about the Sun E20K and related Sun products, call an Acclinet sales representative today at (603) 529-4220 or toll-free at 603-323-0590. While you're at it, ask us about our industry-leading, 48-month warranties on the Sun E20K and all Sun products!